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Print an object of class can_cor object in two ways. By default, the results are shown in the R console. The results can also be exported to the directory.


# S3 method for class 'can_cor'
print(x, export = FALSE, = NULL, digits = 3, ...)



An object of class can_cor.


A logical argument. If TRUE|T, a *.txt file is exported to the working directory

The name of the file if export = TRUE


The significant digits to be shown.


Options used by the tibble package to format the output. See tibble::print() for more details.


Tiago Olivoto


# \donttest{
cc <- can_corr(data_ge2,
               FG = c(PH, EH, EP),
               SG = c(EL, CL, CD, CW, KW, NR, TKW),
               verbose = FALSE)
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Matrix (correlation/covariance) between variables of first group (FG)
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>       PH    EH    EP
#> PH 1.000 0.932 0.638
#> EH 0.932 1.000 0.870
#> EP 0.638 0.870 1.000
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Collinearity diagnostic between first group
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> The multicollinearity in the matrix should be investigated.
#> cn = 977.586
#> Largest VIF = 229.164618380199
#> Matrix determinant: 0.0025852 
#> Largest correlation: PH x EH = 0.932 
#> Smallest correlation: PH x EP = 0.638 
#> Number of VIFs > 10: 3 
#> Number of correlations with r >= |0.8|:  
#> Variables with largest weight in the last eigenvalues: 
#> EH > PH > EP 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Matrix (correlation/covariance) between variables of second group (SG)
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>          EL    CL      CD    CW    KW      NR    TKW
#> EL   1.0000 0.255  0.9119 0.458 0.669 -0.0139  0.442
#> CL   0.2554 1.000  0.3004 0.738 0.471  0.2619  0.619
#> CD   0.9119 0.300  1.0000 0.484 0.626 -0.0358  0.443
#> CW   0.4582 0.738  0.4840 1.000 0.735  0.1657  0.673
#> KW   0.6686 0.471  0.6260 0.735 1.000  0.3621  0.673
#> NR  -0.0139 0.262 -0.0358 0.166 0.362  1.0000 -0.109
#> TKW  0.4421 0.619  0.4433 0.673 0.673 -0.1088  1.000
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Collinearity diagnostic between second group
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Weak multicollinearity in the matrix
#> cn = 66.912
#> Matrix determinant: 0.0026584 
#> Largest correlation: EL x CD = 0.912 
#> Smallest correlation: EL x NR = -0.014 
#> Number of VIFs > 10: 0 
#> Number of correlations with r >= |0.8|:  
#> Variables with largest weight in the last eigenvalues: 
#> KW > TKW > EL > CW > CL > NR > CD 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Matrix (correlation/covariance) between FG and SG)
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>       EL    CL    CD    CW    KW    NR   TKW
#> PH 0.380 0.325 0.315 0.505 0.753 0.329 0.569
#> EH 0.363 0.397 0.281 0.519 0.703 0.265 0.562
#> EP 0.263 0.391 0.175 0.425 0.497 0.140 0.426
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Correlation of the canonical pairs and hypothesis testing 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>         Var Percent   Sum  Corr Lambda  Chisq DF p_val
#> U1V1 0.6500   74.35  74.4 0.806  0.273 194.28 21 0e+00
#> U2V2 0.2087   23.87  98.2 0.457  0.779  37.33 12 2e-04
#> U3V3 0.0156    1.78 100.0 0.125  0.984   2.35  5 8e-01
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Canonical coefficients of the first group 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>       U1    U2     U3
#> PH  2.66 -5.26   7.72
#> EH -2.58  7.33 -12.99
#> EP  1.15 -2.27   6.67
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Canonical coefficients of the second group 
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#>           V1     V2      V3
#> EL  -0.00776  0.832  0.4561
#> CL  -0.25837  1.430  0.1989
#> CD  -0.23630 -1.177 -1.1116
#> CW  -0.06101 -0.338  0.0822
#> KW   0.91468  0.691  1.4550
#> NR   0.21616 -0.914 -0.5313
#> TKW  0.39749 -0.717 -1.5248
# }