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Mosaic View


  r = 3,
  g = 2,
  b = 1,
  edit = FALSE,
  title = "",
  shapefile = NULL,
  attribute = NULL,
  viewer = c("mapview", "base"),
  show = c("rgb", "index"),
  index = "B",
  max_pixels = 1e+06,
  downsample = NULL,
  downsample_fun = "nearest",
  alpha = 1,
  quantiles = c(0, 1),
  color_regions = custom_palette(c("red", "yellow", "forestgreen")),
  axes = FALSE,



A mosaic of class SpatRaster, generally imported with mosaic_input().

r, g, b

The layer for the Red, Green and Blue band, respectively. Defaults to 1, 2, and 3.


If TRUE enable editing options using mapedit::editMap().


A title for the generated map or plot (default: "").


An optional shapefile of class sf to be plotted over the mosaic. It can be, for example, a plot-level result returned by mosaic_analyze().


The attribute name(s) or column number(s) in shapefile table of the column(s) to be rendered.


The viewer option. If not provided, the value is retrieved using get_pliman_viewer(). This option controls the type of viewer to use for interactive plotting. The available options are "base" and "mapview". If set to "base", the base R graphics system is used for interactive plotting. If set to "mapview", the mapview package is used. To set this argument globally for all functions in the package, you can use the set_pliman_viewer() function. For example, you can run set_pliman_viewer("mapview") to set the viewer option to "mapview" for all functions.


The display option for the map view. Options are "rgb" for RGB view and "index" for index view.


The index to use for the index view. Defaults to "B".


Maximum number of pixels to render in the map or plot (default: 500000).


Downsampling factor to reduce the number of pixels (default: NULL). In this case, if the number of pixels in the image (width x height) is greater than max_pixels a downsampling factor will be automatically chosen so that the number of plotted pixels approximates the max_pixels.


The resampling function. Defaults to nearest. See further details in mosaic_aggregate().


opacity of the fill color of the raster layer(s).


the upper and lower quantiles used for color stretching.


The color palette for displaying index values. Default is custom_palette().


logical. Draw axes? Defaults to FALSE.


Additional arguments passed on to terra::plot() when viewer = "base".


An sf object, the same object returned by mapedit::editMap().


The function can generate either an interactive map using the 'mapview' package or a static plot using the 'base' package, depending on the viewer and show parameters. If show = "index" is used, the function first computes an image index that can be either an RGB-based index or a multispectral index, if a multispectral mosaic is provided.


if (interactive() && requireNamespace("EBImage")) {
# Load a raster showing the elevation of Luxembourg
mosaic <- mosaic_input(system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra"))

# Generate an interactive map using 'mapview'

# Generate a static plot using 'base'
mosaic_view(mosaic, viewer = "base")
#> Warning: The current raster is in the lat/lon coordinate system, which may result in processing errors when trying to segment individuals in the `mosaic_analyze()` function. It is highly suggested to reproject the raster using mosaic_project() with EPSG:32632
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 90, 95, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 0.008333333, 0.008333333  (x, y)
#> extent      : 5.741667, 6.533333, 49.44167, 50.19167  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) 
#> source      : elev.tif 
#> name        : elevation 
#> min value   :       141 
#> max value   :       547