List Computable Indexes Based on Available Bands
This function reads index equations from a CSV file included in the pliman
package, determines which bands are used in each index equation, and checks
which indexes can be computed based on the provided available bands.
if (interactive() && requireNamespace("EBImage")) {
available_bands <- c("R", "G")
computable_indexes <- pliman_indexes_ican_compute(available_bands)
#> Index Equation Band
#> 53 VIG (G-R)/(G+R) MULTI
#> 65 ERVI ((1.4*R)- G) RGB
#> 66 G G RGB
#> 71 GR G / R RGB
#> 79 MGVRI (G^2-R^2)/(G^2+R^2) RGB
#> 83 NGRDI (G-R)/(G+R) RGB
#> 85 R R RGB
#> 89 SAVI (1 + 0.5)*(G-R)/(G+R+0.5) RGB
#> 90 SCI (R - G) / (R + G) RGB
#> 97 GRVI2 (G-R)/(G+R) RGB
#> 100 NDI 128*((G - R)/(G + R) + 1) RGB
#> 103 PRI R/G RGB